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Tailored Services for Growth and Independence

Explore our offerings to discover how we can support you and your loved ones on this journey. Together, we can navigate the path to a brighter future.

Autism Treatment Services


Our autism treatment services employ individualized Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) techniques to address the specific challenges and strengths of each client. By focusing on critical areas such as communication, social skills, and behavioral development, we craft personalized therapy plans that promote meaningful progress.


  • Enhanced communication and language skills
  • Improved social interactions and relationships
  • Reduction in challenging behaviors
  • Increased independence and daily living skills


To equip individuals with autism with the skills necessary for a richer, more independent life, fostering an environment where they can thrive and achieve their full potential.

A child is playing with a green brush and a green ball.
A group of children are sitting around a table playing with toys.

Community-Based Instruction


This service extends learning beyond traditional settings, engaging clients in real-world environments. Community-based instruction is designed to teach practical life skills, social norms, and independence through direct interaction with community settings and situations.


  • Real-world application of learned skills
  • Enhanced understanding of community integration
  • Increased opportunities for socialization and independence


To prepare individuals for successful community involvement and independence, ensuring they can navigate various social settings with confidence.

Instructional Support and Tutoring


Tailored academic and skill-based tutoring supports individuals in achieving their educational goals. Our instructional support is customized to each learner's needs, providing one-on-one tutoring in a range of subjects and skills.


  • Improved academic performance and understanding
  • Boosted confidence in educational settings
  • Enhanced problem-solving and critical thinking skills


To support educational growth and lifelong learning, empowering individuals to overcome academic challenges and succeed in their studies.

A boy and a girl are sitting at a table doing their homework.
A woman is sitting on a couch using a laptop and a child is laying on the couch.

Family Support Services


Recognizing the importance of family in the therapy process, we offer comprehensive support services for families. This includes counseling, resources, and workshops designed to empower families with strategies for supporting their loved ones effectively.


  • Strengthened family relationships and communication
  • Increased understanding of neurodiversity and ABA therapy
  • Enhanced ability to support and advocate for their loved one


To ensure families are equipped with the knowledge and tools needed to create a supportive and understanding home environment, fostering positive outcomes for all members

Start Your Journey: Quick Answers

1. How do I get started with Ho'okele ABA's services?

To begin, simply contact us through our website or give us a call. We'll schedule an initial consultation to discuss your needs, explain our services, and outline the next steps for assessment and therapy planning.

2. What can I expect in the initial consultation?

The initial consultation is an opportunity for us to learn more about you or your loved one's needs and for you to understand how our services work. We'll discuss your goals, our approach, and how we can tailor our services to meet your individual needs.

3. Are your services covered by insurance?

Yes, many of our services are covered by insurance. We work with a variety of insurance providers and can assist you in navigating coverage options and requirements. Please contact us for more information about your specific insurance questions.

4. How are your ABA services personalized?

Our ABA services are personalized through comprehensive assessments and ongoing evaluations. We develop individualized treatment plans based on each client's unique strengths, needs, and goals, adjusting our approach as progress is made.

5. Can family members be involved in the therapy process?

Absolutely. Family involvement is crucial to the success of ABA therapy. We offer family support services and encourage active participation in the therapy process to ensure consistent support and reinforcement of learned skills.

6. How long does a typical therapy program last?

The duration of therapy varies depending on individual needs and goals. Some clients may see significant progress in a few months, while others may benefit from longer-term support. We continually assess progress to ensure our approach is meeting the client's needs.

7. What makes Ho'okele ABA different from other ABA providers?

Our commitment to personalized, compassionate care sets us apart. We not only focus on the individual's needs but also support the entire family, offering a holistic approach to therapy that extends beyond traditional methods.

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